2024 8th International Conference on  linguistics and literature | Vienna, Austria, July 25-27, 2024

General information

ICLL2024 8th International Conference on Linguistics and Literature will be held in Vienna, Austria during July 25-27. ICLL has a proven track record of success with the first conference held in Amsterdam in 2017, the second one in Rome in 2018,  the third one in Athens ,  the fourth one and the fifth one as virtual conference due to covid-19, and then in Paris in 2022,  Vienna in 2023 in hybrid mode. The conference is co-sponsored by Loyola Marymount University and Utrecht University. It aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and professinals from the industry, academia and government to discourse on research and development, professional practice in linguistics and literature. ICLL2024 will run fully in-person but due to travel restriction of some areas, virtual participation can be also accepted.

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Submissions will be reviewed by the conference committees and journal editorial board, and accepted papers will be published in International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics after registration and presentation , which will be indexed by Google Scholar, Crossref, Proquest, etc.

Note: For those who're NOT looking to publish their papers, it's acceptable to submit your abstracts to the conference just for oral presentation without publication of full paper.

Join the Conference Program Committee to Help Review Papers!

Welcome senior scholars and researchers to join the ICLL conference program committee to help review papers submitted to ICLL. Applicants should send your CV to icll@iacsitp.com .

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